Friday, July 4, 2008

The Mata-Nui Daily News

Chapter 2
Tastes Like Chicken!!!

MN: And now for the Mata Nui Daily, uh, uh, something! Oh right! NEWS!!! MNDN!!!(Mata-Nui Daily News!)

*Director slaps forehead*

MN: Over to you Kapura!

Radio: Di, di, di, di, di, diiiiiiii!!!!

*Director commits suicide*

MN: Uhhhh...I think we need a new director.............

Random Matoran: OK!

*Jumps into director suit*

RM: (In Superman voice) Somebody say they need a director?



Kapura: Good morning viewers and welcome! The forecasts read that there will be continous showers in Ga-Koro.

*Shows showers falling from the sky*

Kapura: There will also be earthquakes in Onu-Koro, Flying birthday cakes in Ta-Koro, Tornandos in Le-Koro, Bohrok in Po-Koro,

*Shows Bohrok falling from the sky*

Kapura: .....And Ice storms in Ko-Koro.

MN: Thank you for that Kapura. Now over to you Takua.

Takua: (In wheelchair) the Bohrok threat seems to be progressing in Po-Koro. Many Po-Koro inhabitants have taken into habit
to carry around steel umbrellas. I for one...............

*Bohrok lands on Takua*

Takua: ....................Hate Bohrok.....................

MN: Over to you Hahli.

Hahli: Thank you. Now the Turaga elections are over and the winner shall be revealed! Over to you Matoro.

Matoro: The Turaga elections have stopped. Votes are being tallied and.....

Voice in the backround: .....And the winner is: .................KRAATA!!!!

*Cheering from Matoran*

Kraata: And now as my first act to save us all......

*Gobbles up other Turaga*

Kraata: .........................Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................Tastes like chicken.........................

*Matoran start to cheer*

Matoro: .................And there you have it! The Kraata wins! Back to you Hahli!

Hahli: (Looks sick) Ahhhhhhhhh, yes and now over to you Jaller.

Jaller: The latest topic for today on Jallers Tuesday exclusive news, is.............THE OOMN(Order of Mata Nui)

Hahli: Really?

Jaller: Yes, Hahli! It has been revealed that Botar isn't as serious as he seems!

Hahli: *Gasps*

Jaller: We conducted a test. We made him watch TV. As soon as he saw Makuta Teridax fall into a slime pit he cracked up.

*Botar appears behind Jaller*

Botar: To the Pit you shall go!

Jaller: (scared) What for?

Botar: For insulting a OOMN member in public on TV!

*Grabs Jaller, both disappear*

Hahli: Well that's all for tonight folks! Catch us tomorrow!!!

*Pahrak charges on stage*

Pahrak: Ah ha! I'm back!

*Everyone stares at Pahrak*

Hahli: Uhhhhhhh.... the news just finished.

Pahrak: Darn!

*Takua rides in on his wheelchair*

Takua: Hey guys!

Pahrak: Well I'll just come tomorrow.

*Exits, crushing Takua with his foot as he walks off-stage*

Takua: Owwwww............Uh, a little help here?

*Kraata comes in eats Takua*

Kraata: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Tastes like chicken....................

More chappies coming soon!!!!

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