Sunday, October 25, 2009

Excuses, Ideas and Whatnot.

Well, I'm afraid to say you might be forced to wait a little longer for the next chapter of 'Legends are Real'. The school holidays (for me) are over, and I just came back from a school camp (in Canberra!). And I've been neglecting my duties. So yeah.

The good news? Coming soon from me, (it will have it's own blog) is a Text-Based RPG, similar to the ones you can find on BZPower. It is called 'Bota Magna Online', and in this RPG, you play as an Agori or Glatorian, and struggle to survive on the moon of Bota Magna.

So, as I have stated earlier, the school holidays in Australia, NSW are over, and it's back to school for me, so I am sorry to say, I will have less time for this blog.

But don't worry! You have to things to look forward to, and hopefully, I can pick up the pace, finish all my projects (stories, etc.) and give you the next chapter of 'Legends are Real' and an RPG which I hope you'll like - 'Bota Magna Online'!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are you glad that the Stars are canon?

Well, I'm eating my words. It turns out the Stars are (*sighs*) canon.

But the real question is... are you happy with the fact that they're canon? Let's see what the majority thinks - vote in the newest poll!

And please feel free to also express your opinion in the comments section.


I keep my promises.

No really, I do! As I promised you, my MoC blog (R/NO.M and Gresh96's MoC Blog) has been updated.

So, please go check out my new MoC, (Pyrol: Glatorian of Fire!) and please comment!

Expect an update for 'Legends are Real' as well. You won't have to wait long, the new chapter is nearly finished. It'll be up soon!!


New Poll Up!

What do you think of the name 'Bota Magna'?
No need to answer me in the comments section (though you could if you wanted), because the question above is the subject of the newest poll!

So, vote away, my readers!



Ok, I really have been neglecting this blog, and sorry to all my faithful readers out there, if I have any left, that is.

First off, I would like to remind everyone to have a look at the 'Contests' section of the sidebar, at the very top, I still have a contest going, though no one has sent me an entry yet.

I would also like to turn your attention to the 'MoC and Story Requests' section in the sidebar, just two sections down from 'Contests'. Please send in requests, I haven't recieved one yet.

Second off, I would like to remind everyone of my other blogs, R/NO.M and Gresh96's MoC Blog, and the Legends Are Real Blog. Both have been neglected as well, but expect an update for both soon.

Third off, I would like to present to you my TLR Review!

BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn
Reviewed by Ray/No.Minus

Bionicle: The Legend Reborn had a very interesting story. Everything was very well paced, and felt authentic. The traitor did come as a surprise to me, which is good, which means that the traitor is not very obvious at the beginning. If he was, that would really take away from this movie.

Anyway, I enjoyed the story very much. It doesn't reveal too much at one time, which is great. The end was a bit of a surprise as well.

Let me just say one thing here - SUPERB ANIMATION. I'm not going to kid you, the animation was great. The only part that didn't look very good was the bit where Mata Nui rises out of the ocean. It looks nice at some parts, but most of it is sloppy CGI, that just looks unrealistic. When he sits up, the CGI is terrible, and when he stands up out of the ocean, with one of his arms at an angle, it just looks ugly and unfinished. The rest of that section was okay, but not spectacular.

I did not like how the title appeared onto the screen. It just came forward like that, in some sort of bad Powerpoint title animation. Lego, seriously, could you have done something better? Like a fade-in?

The movie was very short too. I really enjoyed it, but they went from Tesera to the final battle WAY too quickly. They didn't even drop by Iconox, and Gelu was no where in sight in this movie.

Another thing - Mata Nui VS Tuma was not the epic clash I thought it would be. Tuma knocks Mata Nui down a few times, then Mata Nui gets up and whacks him in the back with his shield 'till he falls unconscious. They whole thing takes less than three minutes. Not epic at all.

The characters were portrayed very well. The voices fit very well, especially Mata Nui's, Ackar's and Berix's. Mind you, the other character's voices were great too, like Metus'. He didn't sound like I expected him to, but his voice definitely fit. The screams, crys and grunts of the Vorox, Skrall and Bone Hunters were also very well done.

The characters are very well animated, like how Vastus' snake shoulder armor sways when he walks, looking very authentic, or how bits on the character's helmets move up and down, acting as eyebrows. The giant Malum-shaped Scarabix Beetle monster wasn't WELL animated, but it certainly wasn't BADLY animated.

Another gripe is that all the Agori that watch Glatorian matches, or just pass by, are clones of the released sets. For example: All the Fire Tribe Agori are Raanu look-alikes.

What I do like about the Village Leaders, is that they have some sort of shoulder armour. It just looks really cool.

The music was good. It wasn't spectacular, but it was pretty well done. Compared to the music of the previous three movies, the music of the prequel's prevails, but only by a very small margin.

So, yeah, the music was good.

The special features were nothing spectacular, but they certainly weren't horrible. The deleted scenes were pretty funny, as was the extended ending. The music video was entertaining, the character galleries were limited, but not bad, and the trailer for the upcoming Lego movie (not Bionicle movie, Lego move) was interesting.

Well, Bionicle: The Legend Reborn is certainly worth watching, especially if you're a Bionicle fan. It's short, some bits are certainly not very well done, and there's nothing THAT spectacular about the entire thing, but it's just a really fun, well animated movie to watch

So if you're a Bionicle fan, or just someone who's interested in watching it, I recommed you do so.

Yeah, my long review is finally finished.

And lastly, that blog post dedicated to The Stars (Target Exclusives, by the way, NOT 2010 sets) is still coming soon!


Saturday, September 26, 2009


First off -
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while.
Second off -
I will post a review of The Legend Reborn soon.
Third off -
Bionicle Stars ~ but you probably already know about them, hmmm?

If not, there will be a post devoted to them coming up.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Stuff - and a surprise!!

New vids on Bionicle.Com - Sneak Peak: Escape From The Canyon, Kiina Promo and a Mata Nui Promo. I also have the Legend Reborn!! Who wants to know who the traitor is?


Saturday, September 5, 2009

New clips and a teaser.

Hey - the Bye Bye Babylon music video as well as an 'Ackar Promo' are up on Bionicle.Com

So go check it out!

I'm also working on a new epic - and it will have some pictures.


Friday, August 28, 2009

New Scene and New Clip!!

Here's a new scene from The Legend Reborn:

And there's also a new clip on Bionicle.Com - Skopio.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Stuff

Well - there's a new Legend Reborn Sneak Peak - 'Sandray Canyon', and there's also a story update - 'Tajun'.

Find these updates on Bionicle.Com

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well guys, Ray/No.Minus made me a Mod on this blog, this is awesome. I will be posting the same sort of stuff like what Ray/No.Minus Does. Well to start off here's the ending episode from Youtuber Scotttjt.

The Hydros Chronicles Last Episode.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I've Expanded...

... like so many others.

Needs updating, I know.


Monday, August 10, 2009

New 'Behind The Scenes' Clip on Bionicle.Com!

A new Behind the Scenes clip is out. It's called 'Writing The Movie'. Go check it out, now!


Saturday, August 8, 2009


Sorry I'm posting this news late - but there's a new Legend Reborn Sneak Peek. Ackar vs Strakk. As well as a new vehicle commercial. And have you heard the new song from Cryoshell this year for Bionicle? It's called 'Bye Bye, Babylon'.

Here's the song:

And the commercial:


Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Legend Reborn Clip Out!!

Fight With A Vorox - the new Legend Reborn Clip - is out.

Check it out now at Bionicle.Com

Note: There's a new clip every Monday.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sorry, But...

... I won't be able to post much, now that the holidays are over for me (I don't know about you, I'm all the way in Australia!), so just decided to post a word of warning, so you don't start wondering where I am.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Now taking MoC and Story Requests

I am now taking MoC and Story Requests. For more info, refer to the Gadget 'MoC and Story Requests' which is the second to - the - top gadget on this blog.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Art of Glatorian Striker Helmets

Did them for fun.


Green One (called him Nahraak):

Red One (called him Pyrol):

White One (called him Koace):

Blue One (called her Kaahli):

Black One (caller him Brador):

How do ya like it? Gresh, whaddaya think? Everyone else, whaddaya think?


New Legend Reborn Page on Bionicle.Com

There's a new page on Bionicle.Com. It focuses on the Legend Reborn Movie. It has a sypnosis of the movie, the sneak peak. clips and character profiles.

Go there now!!

Here it is.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bionicle.Com - Updated!!

I know I should've posted this earlier - but better late then never. Anyway, Bionicle.Com has been updated for the Glatorian Legends. New additions to the Product and Profile pages - and better yet - you can now watch some new videos - including Sneak Peaks from The Legend Reborn - and some Behind The Scenes of the Movie clips too.

New Poll Up.

New poll up - asking whether you think if the Bara Magna Story arc is good or not.

New Legends Are Real Site

The story I'm writing for this blog - Legends Are Real - is no longer going to be posted here. Instead, it now has it's own blog.

Check it out here

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Legends are Real

Prologue - Part II: Legends Are Real

The Agori's name was Ventarr. He was an Agori scout, and though the Agori population had advanced significantly in technology here on Spherus Magna, there were still many ares of it that remained unexplored. And exploring unexplored places was his job, a job that he enjoyed - sometimes.

A pebble fell from the canyon wall. The white figure withdrew from where he was watching. The grey figure looked up at him and nodded.

Ventarr whirled around when he heard the pebble fall. He pointed his sword at it, and drew back. He looked up, and scanned the canyon wall, sharp eyes darting around as he analysed every bit of rock.

The black figure withdrew from its spyhole.

Another pebble fell. Ventarr turned to face it.

The black figure returned to its spyhole, swept a pebble from underneath it, then withdrew again.

Ventarr whirled around to face the latest disturbance. His mind was working furiously. Three pebbles - what for? I can tell they did not fall normally. What is going on?

He spun around in a circle, facing every direction, but spotted no danger. I'll progress through the rest of the canyon on the Valtaka.

He turned and headed back, looking behind him every now and then. He eventually reached the start of the canyon and climbed onto his motorcycle. It took him a bit of time to restart the engine, for it was clogged with sand.

He wheeled it around, and rode off.


He had been riding for quite a while now - he was just about at the end of Creep Canyon, and he had not experienced anything strange - least of all be in danger.

Then a grey figure slammed down right in front of his bike. Ventarr put his foot down on the brakes and skidded to a halt. Two other figures - a black one and a white one - landed on either side of the middle grey one.

Ventarr was lifted off the Valtaka by a metal grey tentacle - like thing with spikes protruding from it - luckily none of the spikes were stuck in Ventarr. Ventarr struggled trying to break free.

He was slowly lifted into the air...


Felmar - and Agori sentry, who guarded the city of Vulcanus - saw a cloud of dust being whipped up not too far away. His eyes narrowed, and he shielded them with his hand as he tried to see what was approaching. Then it shot over the nearest sand dune, and he saw what it was. A Valtaka X - V3 model motorcycle - modified - and on it was a tan Agori - sporting a scorpion mask - slumped over the handle bars. The Agori had scratches on his neck.

The bike skidded to a halt in front of Felmar, who quickly moved towards it to tend to it's rider, who he saw was obviously wounded, but the only traces of any kind of wound were the neck marks. The Agori looked up at Felmar, and whispered; "The Legends... they're real..." his eyes widened, and he slumped over the bike controls, unconsious.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


1. I'll probably be setting up a blog for my MoCs. If anyone wants to help me make it, let me know.

2. Anyone out there a member of BZPower? If so, let me know. On BZP I'm Chaotic Being ~ Dark Wing.

3. The Endless Ocean Planet that Mata Nui was on - before he was banished - is called Aqua Magna.

That's it.

Oh, and don't forget about my Bionicle Contest. HERE is a link to it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Poll up!!

There's a new poll up. Will you get the Legend Reborn movie?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More stuff on Titan Mata Nui!!

Recemtly, a member of BZPower has recieved the Titan Mata Nui set as a prize for winning first place in a BZP Contest. He has proceeded to post a review of the set up on BZP, with some juicy pictures too.

Go check it out now!!

Find the review here

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Glatorian Legends




Mata Nui:



There ya go.

Mata Nui - Growth Spurt

No, Mata Nui is not taking steroids - but he has been made into a titan.


New Pics and Info Galore!!

Cendox V1

Kaxium V3

Baranus V7

Thornatus V9

Skopio XV-1

The Midak Skyblasters on the Skopio and Thornatus are actually called Force Blasters, the Cendox is driven by Crostesius, a fire Agori, the Kaxium is driven by Kirbraz and Scodonius, water Agori. The Baranus is drvien by the Agori Sahmad, who is from a tribe that was around before the great disaster on Bara Magna. That tribe was infected by a mysterious plague, and most died. The driver of the Thornatus is Perditus, a Glatorian of the fire tribe. The pilot of the Skopio is Telluris is from a tribe that existed before the Bara Magnan Great Disaster; his tribe was also infected by the mystery plague - or he could be from the same tribe as Sahmad.

And here's the new, redone cover for The Legend Reborn.

Whew! *wipes forehead* That was alot!! Sorry for going away from this blog for awhile!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Just to let you know, I will be away in New Zealand for six days, so, see ya!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Build a Bionicle titan. Must have a specific colour scheme. Must have at least two weapons. Must have a kind of 'backpack'. Contest closes 12/9/09. Winner gets pic of MoC posted up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did you know...

... that a larger Mata Nui set is going to be released Summer 2009? It will porbably be exclusive. It is unknown whether it will have a different peices, be coloured gold, or whether it will just be an enlarged set with huge peices.

Valtaka V3

My entry to Gresh96's contest: I have tried to build (and failed) the Cendox V1!!


Also, Gresh, if you're reading this, I have an idea on how to select the winner. Post links to all the entries, and set up a poll on your blog. Let the public vote for their favourite!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Legends are Real

Prologue - Part I: Legends Are Real

More than 2000 years BGD (before Great Disaster)

The Valtaka X - V3 motorcycle sped across the barren desert plain. It's rider, and Agori with a scorpion mask, was hunched over the handlebars as he steered it. The wheels of the bike kicked up sand as they spun, and the sun blazed down, threatening to melt the vehicle with intense heat. The rider's red eyes gleamed, and he urged the bike forward. The wheels spun faster, faster, barely touching the ground. The bike picked up speed, and the ground got rockier; the vehicle was nearing Creep Canyon. The bike shot over the edge of the canyon wall, wheels turning, rider still hunched, and landed with a thud on the gravel. The motorcycle came to a stop, and the rider climbed off it. He pulled out a sword from his belt, just in case anything hostile showed it's ugly face, and walked further into the canyon.

A white figure watched him from up on the canyon wall.

A black figure watched him from a crack in the canyon wall.

A grey figure watched silently from the shadows.

The deeper the Agori went into Creep Canyon, the more the walls seemed to close in, and the more they blocked the sun. He couldn't help feeling uneasy. Then something brushed his shoulder.

He whirled around, but nothing was there.

He mustered his courage, and went further in.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Poll up!!

Just lettin' ya know. :-)

A Bara Magna Vehicle MoC...

...that I'm working on.

Here is the prototype. Mind you, this will not be the final product.

Here it is:

Please comment!!

Toy Fair 2009

A link to the gallery: here

Thanx B6!! There are better pictures on BZPower:

Licensed Themes
Play Themes
Other Themes

Bionicle 1
Bionicle 2
Bionicle 3

Enjoy! ;-p

Glatorian Arena -

- is awesome!! 'nuff said.

Have ya played it? If so, whaddaya think?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So many updates!!

Hey, I've been away from the computer from some time, and there are tons of updates!!

Wanna see them? Just go to BZPower!!

But for now, I'll treat you to the preliminary cover for the upcoming BIONICLE movie:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Poll results:

The winner of the 'Favourite Summer 2008 Vehicle?' Poll is: The Jetrax T6!!

And the winner for the 'Favourite Winter Glatorian?' Poll is: Gresh!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just something...

Just something I made out of boredom. It's a Skrall, eating a Big Mac, in a pink dress.


He's meant to be holding the burger with his Thornax.

If you like it, please tell me by leaving a comment.

Thank you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pics and a Warning


Baranus V7 pics -


And the rider

And the box for the Baranus

The Kaxium

The Kaxium's box

The Skorpio Box

And the Thornatus Box

And the Skorpio might be able to transform into a tank form.

And the warning is that school is again starting, so I won't be able to update as much.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

High Quality Pics!!

First the Legends: (Yes, they were called Legends, not Lignix XD)

Th first three:

Mata Nui, Gelu and Kiina -

The next three: Stronius, Ackar and Vastus -

Now the Kaxium V3 -

Then the Cendox V1 -

Of course the Thornatus V9 -

And finally the Skorpio XV-1 (It wasn't Skopio it was Skorpio XD again)-

Sorry, no Baranus pics at this moment >.<

The Kaxium seems to be some sort of motorcycle with a tricked out side car, (that is possibly detchable) and the Cendox seems to be a desert-ish snowmobile (XD for the third time) all the vehicles seem to be driven by Bone Hunters, but we're not sure.
The Kaxium has two.

Note: Click on the images to view larger, better quality ones.


Bionicle 2008/2009, bringing you the best pictures of the Summer 2009 sets.