Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Legend Reborn Clip Out!!

Fight With A Vorox - the new Legend Reborn Clip - is out.

Check it out now at Bionicle.Com

Note: There's a new clip every Monday.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sorry, But...

... I won't be able to post much, now that the holidays are over for me (I don't know about you, I'm all the way in Australia!), so just decided to post a word of warning, so you don't start wondering where I am.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Now taking MoC and Story Requests

I am now taking MoC and Story Requests. For more info, refer to the Gadget 'MoC and Story Requests' which is the second to - the - top gadget on this blog.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Art of Glatorian Striker Helmets

Did them for fun.


Green One (called him Nahraak):

Red One (called him Pyrol):

White One (called him Koace):

Blue One (called her Kaahli):

Black One (caller him Brador):

How do ya like it? Gresh, whaddaya think? Everyone else, whaddaya think?


New Legend Reborn Page on Bionicle.Com

There's a new page on Bionicle.Com. It focuses on the Legend Reborn Movie. It has a sypnosis of the movie, the sneak peak. clips and character profiles.

Go there now!!

Here it is.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bionicle.Com - Updated!!

I know I should've posted this earlier - but better late then never. Anyway, Bionicle.Com has been updated for the Glatorian Legends. New additions to the Product and Profile pages - and better yet - you can now watch some new videos - including Sneak Peaks from The Legend Reborn - and some Behind The Scenes of the Movie clips too.

New Poll Up.

New poll up - asking whether you think if the Bara Magna Story arc is good or not.

New Legends Are Real Site

The story I'm writing for this blog - Legends Are Real - is no longer going to be posted here. Instead, it now has it's own blog.

Check it out here

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Legends are Real

Prologue - Part II: Legends Are Real

The Agori's name was Ventarr. He was an Agori scout, and though the Agori population had advanced significantly in technology here on Spherus Magna, there were still many ares of it that remained unexplored. And exploring unexplored places was his job, a job that he enjoyed - sometimes.

A pebble fell from the canyon wall. The white figure withdrew from where he was watching. The grey figure looked up at him and nodded.

Ventarr whirled around when he heard the pebble fall. He pointed his sword at it, and drew back. He looked up, and scanned the canyon wall, sharp eyes darting around as he analysed every bit of rock.

The black figure withdrew from its spyhole.

Another pebble fell. Ventarr turned to face it.

The black figure returned to its spyhole, swept a pebble from underneath it, then withdrew again.

Ventarr whirled around to face the latest disturbance. His mind was working furiously. Three pebbles - what for? I can tell they did not fall normally. What is going on?

He spun around in a circle, facing every direction, but spotted no danger. I'll progress through the rest of the canyon on the Valtaka.

He turned and headed back, looking behind him every now and then. He eventually reached the start of the canyon and climbed onto his motorcycle. It took him a bit of time to restart the engine, for it was clogged with sand.

He wheeled it around, and rode off.


He had been riding for quite a while now - he was just about at the end of Creep Canyon, and he had not experienced anything strange - least of all be in danger.

Then a grey figure slammed down right in front of his bike. Ventarr put his foot down on the brakes and skidded to a halt. Two other figures - a black one and a white one - landed on either side of the middle grey one.

Ventarr was lifted off the Valtaka by a metal grey tentacle - like thing with spikes protruding from it - luckily none of the spikes were stuck in Ventarr. Ventarr struggled trying to break free.

He was slowly lifted into the air...


Felmar - and Agori sentry, who guarded the city of Vulcanus - saw a cloud of dust being whipped up not too far away. His eyes narrowed, and he shielded them with his hand as he tried to see what was approaching. Then it shot over the nearest sand dune, and he saw what it was. A Valtaka X - V3 model motorcycle - modified - and on it was a tan Agori - sporting a scorpion mask - slumped over the handle bars. The Agori had scratches on his neck.

The bike skidded to a halt in front of Felmar, who quickly moved towards it to tend to it's rider, who he saw was obviously wounded, but the only traces of any kind of wound were the neck marks. The Agori looked up at Felmar, and whispered; "The Legends... they're real..." his eyes widened, and he slumped over the bike controls, unconsious.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


1. I'll probably be setting up a blog for my MoCs. If anyone wants to help me make it, let me know.

2. Anyone out there a member of BZPower? If so, let me know. On BZP I'm Chaotic Being ~ Dark Wing.

3. The Endless Ocean Planet that Mata Nui was on - before he was banished - is called Aqua Magna.

That's it.

Oh, and don't forget about my Bionicle Contest. HERE is a link to it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Poll up!!

There's a new poll up. Will you get the Legend Reborn movie?