Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Chronicles of Hydraxon

"Stupid runner." muttered the silver clad figure as he stood atop a cliff. The powerful blue being was less than a challenge to the jailer. He jumped from the cliff, flipped over and fired a mini-rocket from his Cordak Blaster. The projectile blew up part of the ground behind the escapee and the runner went sprawling. Hydraxon smiled and dove down to nab the runner. He landed just as the runner got to his feet and shot a strange seaweed-like vine at the jailer. Hydraxon grabbed the vine and twisted, slashing it apart with his wrist blades. Then he threw a explosive boomerang which exploded and knocked the escapee unconsious. Hydraxon whistled and Spinax, his energy hound came to drag the prisoner away.

Back at Hydraxon's headquarters Hydraxon walked through the hallways checking that each and every prisoner was secure. When he came to his most high security vault the bars had been ripped open and several guard robots were scattered on the floor, destroyed. Hydraxon grimly turned and nodded to Maxilos, the guard robot who had followed him. Then Hydraxon walked towards his armory.

Hydraxon was scouting near Razor Whales Teeth, a rock formation, normally a meeting place for the now captured Barraki. He jumped down from a ledge and looked around. Nothing. Suddenly, massive tentacles shot out from the darkness and dragged Hydraxon down into the darkness of the Pit.


Bretzke Family said...

so far I really like these chronicles. but it could use some grammar corrections.

Ray/No.Minus said...

Glad ya like them.