Friday, July 4, 2008

Ask Bitil and Gorast


Bitil: Hi and welcome to Ask Me and Gorast!
Gorast: How come you always get to say something first?
Bitil: 'Cause he likes me better. Right?
Me: No.
Bitil: Aw, shucks.
Gorast: Anyways, first question!
Bitil: Wait, aren't we being invaded by the Toa Nuva?
Gorast: Why yes, we are!
Tahu: Good news, guys.
Other Toa: What?
Tahu: They noticed us.
Other Toa: Yay.
Bitil: Anyways, charge!!
Gorast: Yah.
Toa: Charge!

*Battle ensues*

Bitil: We're winning!
Toa: We're losing!
Gorast: We know that!
Toa: We're winning!
B and G: We're losing!
Me: I really don't care!
B and G: You should, because we're the stars!
Toa: Not any more!

*Battle continues*

Toa: Ahhhh!!
B and G: Ahhhhh!!
Toa: Ahhhh!!
B and G: Ahhhhh!!
Toa: Ahhhh!!
B and G: Ahhhhh!!
Me: Ahhhhhhh!!
B and G: *snoring*
Toa: Ahhhh!!
Me: *snoring*
Toa: Ahhhh!!
Tahu: I think we're being too dramatic.
Gali: Yeah.
B and G and Me: 'Bout time you found out.
Toa: Anyways......
Tahu: Charge!
Gali: Charge!
Onua: Charge!
Kopaka: Charge!
Av-Matoran: Charge!
Kopaka: Wait, where are Lewa and Pohatu?

*Lewa and Pohatu are sitting on the couch watching Kohlii*

Lewa: Ahhh.... gimme more beer!!!
Pohatu: Gimme more chips!
Lewa: You gimme da beer!!!
Pohatu: Ya gimme da chippies!!
Lewa: Beer!
Pohatu: Chips!
Lewa: Beer!
Pohatu: Chips!
Lewa: Beer!
Pohatu: Chips!
Lewa: Beer!
Pohatu: Chips!
Lewa: Chips!
Pohatu: Beer!
Me: Coca Cola!
L and P: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lewa: Beer!
Pohatu: Chips!
Beer: Lewa!
Chips: Pohatu!
L and P: ???????????????

*End of vision*

Kopaka: So that's what their doing.
Tahu: Right.
Kopaka: Anyways, back to the.....
Tahu: Battle!!!!!!
Toa: Charge!
B and G: Charge!!!

Me: And so the battle raged on until only two Toa were left standing.

Bitil: You're going down!
Tahu: Bitil........ I am your daddy!!!!
Bitil: You're ment to say: I am your father!
Tahu: You are?

Gorast: Prepare to die, Gali.
Gali: No, you prepare to die! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Gali: Wait, I'm a good guy! So, why am I laughing like a maniac?
Gorast: Figures.

Me: And so....
Bitil: Enough with the "and so" already!!!
Me: I thought this was an Ask Comedy?
Gali: You mean it was.
Gorast: This battle will never end!
Bitil: Yes it will! I have a secret weapon!
Gorast: What?
Bitil: *Pulls out massive laser cannon* "The Burrito Cannon!!" Given to me by the Burrito God!
Gorast: Whatever.

Me: And so.....

Bitil: No "and so"!!!!!

Me: Ok, ok! And thus........

Bitil: None of that either!

Me: Fine. So, the Toa Nuva were defeated by Bitil's Burrito Cannon.

*The Burrito Cannon shot thousands of burritos into the Gali and Tahu's mouths until they couldn't eat anymore*

Bitil: Well that's finished!
Me: So is the Ask Comedy.
Gorast: Some Ask Comedy that was.
Me and Bitil: Uh huh.


Next Chapter Coming Soon! (Where they have questions)